hii im kyucumber, but i have many online aliases such as plexitengo or luxicode etc 

im 14 and im an artist (my only hobby lol….)

(im using strawpage cause im too stupid to make a carrd look nice…)

interests of mine:

- di gi charat

- south park

- sparklecare hospital

- ddr (and rhythm games in general tbh)

- lost media/obscure things

- plush/figure collecting

- a lot of things from the late 90s/early 2000s tbh

-gore videos

before you interact:

please know that im a person that can be weird or upsetting at times, but im only like that around my close friends

what im trying to say is im pretty fucked in the head and not a lot of people like me lmfao, so just keep that in mind but if we arent close friends you wont really see that side of me

im not a very judgemental person unless youre like actually weird (pedo, racist etc)

do not interact:

generally just stay away from me if you have any bad intent lol

other than that anyone can interact lol i dont really care but if youre openly a pedo/racist/transphobe or anything of the sort and you choose to interact just know ill talk shit about you behind your back LMFAO cause youre weirrrddd